John Muhlfeld
Senior Pastor
John Muhlfeld grew up in Elmsford, NY and holds degrees from Bucknell University (B.S.B.A.), Biblical Theological Seminary (M.Div.) and Westminster Theological Seminary (D.Min.). Since coming to Covenant in 1997 he has been blessed to be a part of the church family while seeking to point people to Christ through his Word. He is a member of the Candidates and Credentials Committee of the Philadelphia Metro-West Presbytery, where he has also served as moderator. Dr. Muhlfeld also serves as a part-time instructor in pastoral theology in Westminster Seminary's online program in the areas of preaching, leadership, and mentored ministry and is an outside reader for doctoral projects. In his free time he enjoys spending time with his wife, Sharon, and their two daughters, as well as exercise, reading, board games, and movies.