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The Hour Has Come

Series: Various Messages

Dr. Michael RobertsJuly 31, 2022Passage: John 12:20-32

Throughout the Gospel of John, Jesus mentions his hour—which refers to his suffering, death, and also his glorification. Jesus knows the horror and agony that will come with this hour. Here, in John 12, like in Gethsemane, he asks, if possible, to be saved from what is coming in his crucifixion. Yet he also knows that this hour is precisely why he has come. Jesus is going to carry out the will of God, even to the bitter end. As a result, the Father will be glorified. He will be glorified in the completion of his gracious plan that throughout centuries was leading to this moment. He will be glorified in the salvation of an innumerable host of sinners, planned in eternity past before anything else existed. He will be glorified in the glory of the Son, and in his church that will form and grow.

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Sermons in Various Messages

Micah 3
September 22, 2024
Dr. Flavien Pardigon